The word-of-mouth about Alchemy Fine Art Restorer’s expertise continues to build along with owner Kate Wood’s portfolio, in no small part due to miracles like the porcelain restoration featured below.
A new client had a rather large painting fall from display in their home, damaging the frame, the canvas, and three vases. Kate Wood expertly restored the museum-quality painting and frame, but the client wanted to know: could she also repair the three vases?
When these antique bone china vases came into Kate’s studio at Alchemy Fine Art Restorers, a significant portion arrived in a zip-lock bag, including shards and dust. It was a daunting puzzle.
Nonetheless, with her eye for painstaking detail and unique workshop skills, Kate was able to return these vases to their original state of elegance. It’s no exaggeration to say she is the only restorer working on the Treasure Coast who could successfully restore these objects.
The Proof is in the Seeing
Upon completion, the client noted that they could no longer tell where the damage had been. See for yourself: here are the remarkable before and after photos of Kate’s bone china porcelain restoration:

Three elegantly repaired vases stand as a testament to the porcelain restoration capabilities of Alchemy Fine Art Restorers.
Contact Alchemy: If you own an object in need of professional attention, make an appointment with Alchemy Fine Art Restorers in Stuart, FL. Estimates are always free and we even provide local pickup and delivery!
Owner and Lead Restorer: Kate Wood
Phone: (772) 287-0835; Email: